We (as a church) are currently studying through the Book of Judges. And since beginning this book, it really speaks to me about the issue of "choice." The choice to follow God and the choice not to follow God. I don't mean as in believing in God or Salvation...but in that Sanctification process. It's during this time where we as Children of God are tested by the Lord in various ways. It really struck me as the Lord, due to the willful disobedient choices of the Children of Israel, actually left the Canaanites in the land (Judges 2:20-3:1) to "test" them. This is a very scary thing to think about I think. Because this means that when the Lord has given us all ample opportunity to repent, and we don't, well; He'll leave those "Canaanites" in our land!
The testing comes by the Lord due to our hardened hearts and lack of desire to be obedient to His will for our lives. So, He'll leave them in our land. In a way I believe to "prove" our obedience thru the testing. To prove our love for Him thru the testing.
I believe that when choices come our way, we need to choose the "narrow and difficult" path. It may the the narrow and difficult path, but it's the "better" path to be on!
It's the path that leads us and takes us along His will for our lives.
So, as choices come your way...choose the better path...His path,...His road