After reading Chapter 3 in the Book of Acts...I am reminded in seeing the leadership and action shown to us by the Apostle Peter.
Here's the scene: He and John are heading up to the temple for prayer...a "certain" lame man who had been lame since his birth (and everyone knew him), saw these guys and asked for some money. Yet Peter "saw" more of a need than just the giving of money to this lame man...but more importantly he had something more to give...Jesus!
Then this lame man...was asked to "get up and walk"...he did and the Word says "he leaped up, stood and walked and entered the temple with them - walking, leaping, and praising God." - This is what Peter "saw" this man needed most...was a relationship based on faith in God and not the reliance of earthly things. Now following this, the Word tells us "All the people saw him walking and praising God." In otherwords...they were amazed! They couldn't believe it!
Now in verse 12 we see Peter yet again showing us his leadership skills because the Word tells us "So when Peter 'saw' it, he 'responded' to the people" (NKJV) -
These two elements are crucial for a leader in the ministry! The first is that he "saw"...gee does this seem like a trend???? It is!
Again, we as leaders must first "see" what God presents before us. This is important as in the ministry we can sometimes "close" our eyes to what is "important" and only focus on what is "urgent."
The second thing we see is that Peter "responded" to the people. This is as important as the first element...because we can "see" all that is before us...but if we don't "respond" then it's for no ones good.
As leaders in the ministry, we must be "filled by the Holy Spirit" as Peter tells us he was later in Chapter 4. We as leaders must be walking and living in the Spirit to "see" all He is trying to reveal to us and then "respond" the way Jesus wants us to respond.
Be didn't happen overnight with Peter...and it will most likely be the same for us!
Thanks for the encouragment...